Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cougar City in 1H

Students in 1H built houses, community service buildings, roads, and automobiles, then they made decisions regarding the best locations for their buildings.  Students also made flags representing the community using symbols identifying the important things they do in class.  Mrs. Huber says they came up with the name, "Cougar City" because they are the ÉCPS Cougars. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Letter To Parents

May 4th, 2012

Dear Parents,

Remember the beloved theme song from Cheers – “Everybody Knows Your Name”?  The song captured what the show was about: a place where you went to be among friends.  One knew s/he could go into Cheers and leave feeling better because of the support, laughs, and love received while there.  This is exactly how I’ve felt coming to ÉCPS for the past 12 years.

It is with mixed emotions that, today, I have accepted the position of Associate Superintendent Human Resources Black Gold Regional Division; my last day as principal of this amazing school will be June 29th. 

I have been truly blessed to be the principal of ÉCPS.  I will greatly miss the smiles, high fives, and numerous hugs I get from our students, the understanding, support, and helpfulness I’ve received from our parents, and the friendship, loyalty, and love I’ve received from the staff.  

I am leaving ÉCPS in good hands; the teachers and support staff are second to none.  They are excellent at what they do, they are dedicated, and they truly love children.   

Blessed are those who can give without remembering and receive without forgetting.  Thank you for giving me so much; I won’t forget my days at ÉCPS.


C. Monty

Friday, May 4, 2012

ÉCPS Support McHappy Day

The staff, students, and parents of ÉCPS are amazing people!  On Wednesday, May 2nd, after school, ÉCPS staff supported the McHappy Day community fundraiser by working at McDonald's.  They served ice cream, drinks, and coffee, sold McHappy paraphernalia, waited on tables, and worked the drive thru.  $1.00 from every Big Mac, Happy Meal, and hot McCafe beverage sold was donated to Ronald McDonald House of Edmonton and a local children's charity.  Thank you to all of our school families for coming to McDonald's and supporting this fundraiser.  ÉCPS Rocks!

ÉCPS Science Fair

The halls of ÉCPS were buzzing with scientists Wednesday, April 25th.  Students presented their projects to their peers during the day and to their parents in the evening.  Great things are happening at ÉCPS!