Friday, January 7, 2011

School Council Meeting 01-06-10

Rich discussions were held at our January meeting; following were the items of greatest importance:
Alberta Education Telephone Surveys: later this month, the ministry will be making random calls to parents, teachers, high school students, the general public, and school board members gathering their thoughts on public education.
Accountability Pillar Survey: this survey will take place mid-January to mid-February.  All teachers in the province, grades 4,7, and 10 students, and their parents will be asked to complete a survey gauging the quality of education in our schools.  Students and teachers will complete the surveys on-line at school; parents will receive the survey in the mail.
ÉCPS Healthy Eating Survey: our school is participating in a division initiative to promote healthy living, and to help us determine healthy eating priorities, we are asking for your input.  If you have any thoughts on this topic, please contact Mme. Yakimoski.
ÉCPS Christmas Concert Survey: many familes have provided us with their thoughts.  So far, the majority liked the two separate evenings, they did not like having it on the same night as the "Christmas Train", and they were disappointed in the parents who left the K-3 concert before it was over.  I will compile all of the responses and speak to them in my February newsletter.
BGRS 2011-12 Board Draft School Year Calendar: the calendar was distributed and feedback is due January 19th.

Following are a few pictures of the meeting.  Remember, meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month beginning at 7:00pm; all parents are encouraged to attend.

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